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I am really excited and proud to be appointed Leicester City's first-team manager, said Cooper. This is a fantastic club with a rich history and passionate supporters. I am excited to work with such a talented squad and I'm looking forward to the challenge of achieving our shared ambition...
BBC - 10:09 AM
The last few camps we haven't had the wins we wanted, said Cooper, 32.
BBC - 8:52 PM
Cooper told BBC Radio 5 Live: We absolutely want to see reforms but in terms of setting out the timetables of what those would be, we'll do that as part of our manifesto.
BBC - 4:02 PM
I shot straight back [to the hospital] in the club's medical car, Cooper told Sky Sports. We had just been beaten but I think all that goes out the window when it hits home and your family and you forget about football for those moments.
Sky Sports - 8:00 AM
We have our Eastside Golf Invitational coming up in New York City. We'll have a presence there working with Mercedes, Cooper said. We have a community day in Atlanta with that being the U.
SBNation - 8:40 PM