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Ivan is a special player with a special mentality, says manager Frank.
Daily Mail - 12:00 PM
All the praise to Ollie - he's done amazing, Frank said in 2020. He's a pleasure to work with in terms of his determination, his desire. The key thing for me to coach him this year was his position in the box for crosses and he has improved that massively, he has also improved his ...
Sky Sports - 11:20 AM
In Denmark, they will definitely remember that semi-final, said Bees boss Frank. And the penalty.
Daily Mail - 5:15 PM
I will probably be on that touchline on August 17, Frank told The Athletic . I think that will happen.
Metro - 8:54 AM
Brentford put the set-pieces on the world map, says Frank. Last year, I thought we were the best at it in the Premier League.
Daily Mail - 2:00 AM