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Sky Sports - Tue Aug 28 12:56 AM
Soccernet - Tue Aug 28 12:46 AM
Sky Sports - Mon Aug 27 12:59 AM
Soccernet - Sun Aug 26 4:37 PM
Silva told Sky Sports: It's a big test for us definitely.
Daily Mail - 8:08 PM
I'm not going to lie and say that Rodri and Kevin (De Bruyne) aren't important players, of course they are, Silva said.
Daily Mail - 10:30 PM
Silva told Sky Sports: It's a setback but it's still the beginning.
Sky Sports - 7:30 PM
It was a really sad moment for all the professionals that were here with him. It is always sad to see this type of thing happen, Silva said.
BBC - 3:18 PM