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Soccernet - Sat Aug 18 5:07 PM
Sky Sports - Sat Aug 18 2:00 PM
Soccernet - Fri Aug 17 10:49 AM
Sky Sports - Fri Aug 17 9:49 AM
It is a big win for us. For sure, a great feeling for our fans, who were loud from the first to the last whistle, Silva said.
Mirror - 3:00 AM
It was a really strange performance from the referee from the first minute to the last minute, said Silva. I'm not saying red card, but a clear foul. You need referees with experience and to be able to handle the pressure.
Daily Star - 5:30 AM
He has to wait for his chance, said Silva. We really believe he is the right guy to be here.
Metro - 7:54 PM
We are here to support players, the clubs, and the federations to have better communication, but also have fun, Silva said.
Mirror - 5:22 PM