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Brett Gardner is not here for your fun and games on Players Weekend

Fun? While playing baseball? Not for this guy, no way.

Tampa Bay Rays v New York Yankees Photo by Mike Stobe/Getty Images

The YankeesBrett Gardner isn’t just against fun, he might actually be in the process of organizing a focus group aimed at solving the problem of people having fun permanently.

This weekend, while the majority of the rest of the players in the league are getting weird and embracing the fun of random nicknames on their backs instead of their last names, Brett Gardner is pouting over not being able to be the most overbearing traditionalist he can possibly be for every minute of the day.

The Yankees have always worn pinstripes at home and kept their last names off the back of players’ jerseys. So Players Weekend will be a departure from the norm for the entire organization.

Gardner, apparently, tried to keep things the way they’ve always been and leave his jersey completely blank. But the league wouldn’t let him do that and forced him to put something on the back and participate with the rest of the class. So he went with...Gardner.

About the Forced Baseball Fun, Gardner told ESPN,

“I tried to go no name at all and keep it original. But they made me put something. I figured I never had my name on the back of my jersey before, so instead of putting a freakin’ nickname, I put my name on there. [Having no name] apparently is not allowed.”

Is Brett Gardner’s closet just an exact mirror of Doug Funny’s, with the same outfit hung up for each day of the week so everything is orderly and decidedly Not Fun? No way to tell for sure, but chances are that’s a yes.

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