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Deshaun Watson donated his first NFL game check to cafeteria workers affected by Hurricane Harvey

Watson is an MVP for this.

Hurricane Harvey devastated Houston and the Gulf Coast late in August. Athletes, most notably J.J. Watt, have raised hundreds of millions of dollars for the area. Every dollar helps, and rookie Deshaun Watson knows how much of an impact he can make.

Which is why he decided to take his first game check and turn it into an incredible moment that three Houstonians will never forget. Watson gave the money from his first check to three cafeteria workers at NRG Stadium who were affected by Harvey.

It’s a touching moment and all Watson could do is smile and say “hopefully that helps” while the cafeteria workers stood there in awe. We’re sure that money will definitely help, maybe more than Watson realizes.

But Watson himself knows how great of an impact paying it forward can achieve. Ten years ago, former Bucs and Falcons player Warrick Dunn helped give him and his family a new home with the assistance of Habitat for Humanity.

Warrick Dunn’s lasting impact on Deshaun Watson

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