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Tom Brady caught the Saints with 12 men on the field before throwing an INT

The referees almost missed the call, and Brady wasn’t having it.

Tom Brady was shook for a moment, after it appeared the referees were going to miss a call for the Saints’ defense having 12 men on the field.

Brady saw that the Saints were making a late substitution, and did a quick snap to get a free play. After nothing was there, Brady just chucked up the football to end it.

Initially, it didn’t look like the referees were going to make the call, and Brady snapped. He started holding up fingers towards the officials, indicating there were 12 men on the field.

And Brady was right. Tony Romo pointed out on the broadcast that while there were 11 lined up, one was still making his way towards the sideline as Brady snapped the ball.

The player can barely be seen at the bottom of the screen, but he’s there:

The initial shock that Brady would throw such a pass was funny, but it should be known that he knows much better than to make such a silly mistake.

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