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The Bahamas Bowl scoreboard stopped working, which led to this infinite image of it


The home of the 2017 Bahamas Bowl between Ohio and UAB, Thomas Robinson Stadium in Nassau, is having some technical difficulties. In the second quarter of the game, both the play clock and scoreboard stopped working, and as a result, the PA announcer kept having to call out the score to the fans in attendance.

At one point, the scoreboard even simulcast ESPN’s broadcast so that it could at least show the score, which resulted in endless images of the broken scoreboard, hilariously. Here’s ESPN’s broadcast crew talking about the issues that the scoreboard was having:

Thomas A. Robinson Stadium was built four years ago, so it’s still pretty new. Here’s more on the stadium’s specifics from our Bahamas Bowl history piece:

This stadium was finished in 2012, holds 15,000 people, and was a gift to the Bahamas from China. The original Thomas Robinson Stadium, which stood next to the new facility, was built in 1981. Work on the new stadium began in 2009 and cost $30 million.

The facility features a natural grass field for American football and soccer, as well as a track surface.

Ben Solomon/ESPN Images

Hopefully by the second half, the stadium crew can get these technical difficulties squared away.

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