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Football News

The 101 Great Goals news page is a mix of football top stories, breaking news & features from around the world.

101 Great Goals news is updated constantly, every day of the week.

We pride ourselves on finding the best sources for the latest information and giving our opinion on any given topic.

Why 101 Great Goals for news?

101 Great Goals focuses on English football – specifically the Premier League – but also has a global outlook as well.

We use the best foreign sources to track the latest transfer developments across the continent on our dedicated Transfer section, and we pride ourselves on the speed and accuracy in which we cover the best stories.

If you want to hear about the latest news – 101 Great Goals is the place to be!

We avoid click-bait titles and content and instead do our best to provide the best information for our readers, and we supplement our never-ending supply of stories with longer reads which you can find on our Features section.

News on 101 Great Goals - FAQs

The 101 Great Goals website covers transfer news, rumours, gossip and weekly features. You can find each of these sections from our news page.
This page is populated daily, with the latest and biggest football stories always covered. During the season there will be more of a focus on injuries, press conferences and matches, while in the summer and winter windows we focus on transfer developments.
It is very important to us that we use the very best sources for our news. We avoid untrustworthy sources and as well as using external sources, have a keen team of writers who use their own connections to keep up with the latest developments.

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